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Dave Parker

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York Lions, De La Salle, Toronto Optimists

1944 - 2010

Dave Parker served the Toronto Optimists Drum Corps during the 1972 and 1973 seasons as field design consultant & M&M caption head. He came to the Optimists with high credentials, first as famed drill instructor for the De La Salle National Championship Corps of 1969 and 1970, and second as recently nominated (1971) Chief M&M Judge for the CJA (Canadian Judges Association).


In joining the Optimists Dave had to abdicate his role as Judge. He did this in the hopes of raising the calibre of yet another Canadian Corps. Indeed, with Dave's help, we did regain the National Title in 1972. Dave is remembered as "audacious inspirational, innovative, and unbelievably energetic, exuding an infectious yet crusty charisma". He returned to the judging in 1974 where he remained highly influential for another two decades. Dave displayed a generous spirit; radiating immense passion for drum corps, inspiring hope for all young performers and educators of the day.

(If you have a photo of Dave, please send it to us. Thanks)


...........We Remember!

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